Skin care


Skin care


The skin is made of various layers and the outermost one is called the epidermis. It protects us from external threats like microbes and pollutants that could enter our body. Sometimes, this layer can become irritated or dry but it should regenerate itself in a couple of hours.

The epidermis is the outermost layer of your skin and it's extremely thin. It typically consists of 15-25 layers of epidermal cells and gives you a level of protection against microorganisms, such as bacteria. The dermis layer has a rich fabric of collagen, blood vessels and glands. The epidermis is the thin outer layer of the skin that's responsible for repelling harmful particles and providing a moisture balance. It also contains melanocytes which continuously produce melanin, a pigment that blocks harmful forces. Basically, the dermis consists of three substances. They are: collagen, elastin, and protein fibers in addition to certain polysaccharides. These things provide properties such as durability, flexibility, and moisture retention to the skin. Beneath the skin, there is another layer known as the basal layer. It is in this layer that new cells are constantly produced.

Cells gradually move towards the upper layers of the skin, where they lose their vitality after about 14 days. They are then pushed up to top layers, forming a hard layer called Succi (horn-like layer). New skin cells layer over the old ones. Dead skin cells need to be shed for the top cell layer to stay healthy, so the two layers are constantly changing.


Our skin is our largest organ and it guards against external factors by enveloping vital organs. Minerals, vitamins, and important elements are also stored in the layers of our skin and these are necessary for keeping our body healthy.

Protecting our skin, which is such an important aspect of health, should be a priority. It doesn't matter if we are a man or woman - having a great looking complexion can be our most special accessory. No matter our age, we want to feel confident that our skin is both healthy and beautiful. What's more, it can show us how fast we age!

The reason our skin ages largely depends on two factors:

1-) External aging due to genetic factors: This kind of aging is programmed with genetic factors you inherit from your mother and father and cannot be changed by any means.

2-) External aging due to environmental factors: The most important factor in this process is sun rays. If we do not take steps to protect our skin from the damaging effects of the sun and stop providing adequate care for our skin, the sun will cause spots, wrinkles and other signs of premature aging.

There are many environmental and lifestyle factors that accelerate our skin's aging process. They include smoking, alcohol, substance abuse, malnutrition, use of wrong cosmetic products and insufficient sleep among others.

Internal factors account for 20% of the aging process, while external influences make up 80%.

Our skin is polluted by the effect of environmental conditions throughout the day. As we go about our day, we're exposed to grime in the form of automobile exhaust fumes, make-up residues, and other contaminants that can accumulate on your skin. This prevents your skin from taking on its normal functions to produce healthy pores and cells.

Cleansing the skin should be done as often as possible. The right cleanser can help remove all the negative factors on your skin, such as environmental pollutants and dirt. This preserves a healthy barrier function, allowing your skin to breathe. It strengthens the skin making it able to maintain its normal functions. Skin's upper parts eventually die and are shed, replaced by new cells from the lower layer. As a result of aging, this cycle slows down. Old cells don't get renewed & discarded as easily. Soon, the skin gets rougher, drier and less pliable. The radiant, healthy glow of skin is lost when we don’t take care of it. It’s important to take care of our skin from time to time, even if it means going without a day or two.

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Why should I see an esthetician?

Skin care is very important to maintain its healthy and youthful look. So estheticians are trained on giving certain treatments to maintain the skin qualities. In skin care, they help balance oil-moisture balance and give a healthy and tuneful appearance. Many different treatments and products exist to help shield skin from environmental hazards, with a diverse range of degrees of efficacy. Products are available for combating fine lines, wrinkles, and an uneven skin tone.

Estheticians also have skills in dealing with acne, rosacea, eczema and a whole bunch of other conditions. Taking care of your skin can actually be a lot of fun! There are so many different kinds of treatments available- from facials to peelings- and it's always nice to be pampered. Plus, if the end result is gorgeous, glowing skin, doesn't that just make you look younger?

What's the difference between dermatology, cosmetology?

Dermatology is a branch of the medical profession and can only be practiced by licensed physicians. The practitioners specialize in skin disorders. Esthetician services are strictly limited to treatments that are preventative in nature or not medical; for anything that does require guidance from a medical professional, you should see a dermatologist. That said, estheticians can provide complementary or supplementary services to ensure that the skin is functioning properly. In addition, estheticians are throughout their training to recognise medical signs affecting the skin, and will refer you to a dermatologist in such a case.

Cosmetology includes the study of beauty treatments including nail care, hair care and styling, makeup application, and skin care. Esthetics is a part of cosmetology. Some estheticians work in other branches of cosmetology beyond their skin care practice.

Who should avoid having Botox?
  • Mothers who are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Patients who have some nerve and muscle conditions (such as Myaesthenia Gravis and Eaton-Lambert Syndrome)
  • People with a previous allergic reaction to Botox, or an allergy to albumin or eggs should not get Botox.
  • People who are on aminoglycoside antibiotics (such as chlarithromycin,gentamicin etc.)
  • If have a skin infection in the area you need to be treated,
  • It can be dangerous to a person if they are on Warfarin, Rivaroxaban and Clopidogrel. It is important for them to talk to their doctor before taking any this kind of medicine.
What are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers contain a product called hyaluronic acid, which is found naturally in the body. Its key role is to take in water and transport nutrients to provide the skin with necessary substance and volume. As we age, the production of HA decreases, which can lead to wrinkles and skin tone. Artificial fillers give you a youthful appearance by injecting HA back in.

Safety and responsibility?

With any cosmetic procedure, there are always risks involved - but safety is the priority.

Our practitioners will provide you with a friendly and honest opinion to provide the safest treatment option. Aside from their medical expertise, they will also talk to you about any aesthetic risks associated with the procedure. 

Are there any specific things I should avoid after treatment? 

We'll discuss post-procedure care before starting to optimise the cosmetic result to avoid any unwanted surprises.